Medium-Duty Inflatable Packers
Baski's Medium Duty Packer is our most popular sliding-end packer. It is a versatile tool for a wide range of hole sizes and depths. Standard construction includes aluminum, steel or stainless steel metal parts and a reinforced natural rubber element; however, special oil resistant covers and all stainless steel metal parts can be ordered. It has the following features:
- Large expansion ratio and high differential pressure rating.
- Borehole sizes ranging from 2" to 30" (50 to 760 mm).
- 500 psi (35 bar) unconfined to 1,000 psi (70 bar) confined pressures. For example, a 3.6 inch O.D. Medium Duty Packer can seal a 6 inch hole with a 500 psi differential pressure rating, allowing it to be set at 1,000 feet and used for pump testing. The same packer has a differential pressure rating of 1,500 psi in a 4.5 inch hole, permitting injection tests up to 1,500 psi over the hydrostatic.
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